Order of The New Compassionests


Order of The
New Compassionests






Order of The New Compassionests
Animal Ministry International

The Order of The New Compassionests is a new and developing
independent Catholic - Christian/Interfaith order with an animal ministry.
We are a unique order because we pray for, work with when possible,
and help to save the lives of all animals.  We are committed to the
spirit of St. Francis of Assisi in caring for animals and for the planet.

Members of the order are self-supporting. We are a community living in
common or individually. The New Order of The New Compassionests
have been called to be good stewards of God's awesome creations,
the animals and the planet.

We are inclusive, which means we accept women as well as men. We can
do this because we are independent.  We are not under the jurisdiction
of the Pope, nor are we under any other jurisdiction of any other order,
community or organization. We are self governing.

We profess the vows of STABILITY, CONVERSION OF LIFE (Simplicity)
AND OBEDIENCE.  We are unique because our apostolate is exclusively
for animals.  To our knowledge, no other religious orders, traditional or
independent, pray and/or meditate exclusively for animals. Our prayers
for animals are included in our daily Liturgy and once daily; exclusively
for the animals.  It is through prayer and our compassion in His service
to animals and the planet, that God shines His light on us.

We pray for the mercy of God to alleviate suffering, for those animals
that are: mistreated, scared, lost, hungry and underfed, those that
are kept in captivity in factory farms, those that are hunted, deserted,
put to death by euthanasia.  We pray for animals in circuses, rodeos,
shelters, animal labs, and those that are in deplorable conditions. 
We especially give honor and pray for our forgotten heroes. 
Military War Dogs, Police Dogs, and Rescue Dogs, past and present;
that have served and given their lives for their country.  
And we give the Creator thanks for those animals that are safe
from all harm and suffering.  And we pray for those that have
returned to His loving arms in eternity.

 Anyone may apply for membership to the Order of The New Compassionests
or Animal Ministry, if you are truly compassionate and put the love of God
before all else, serving Him, the animals and the planet.

The Order of The New Compassionests Animal Ministry
are a sign to the world of our commitment to the
Creator and His creatures.

The Order of The New Compassionests Animal Ministry are advocates
and activists. We wish through peaceful means to help understand the
importance of being good stewards, living in harmony with the animals,
showing them respect and respect for the planet. We wish to help
stop the cruelty and suffering of all animals and of the planet.

With praying hands, we pray daily and meditate for the wellbeing
of all animals. With loving hearts, working with agencies, shelters,
vet offices, state and local law enforcement officials, ASPCA, etc.
We can help make a difference and help save lives,
not only animal, but human as well.


The Order of The New Compassionests

1.  We believe in divine truth of God.

2.  We believe to do what is right in
the eyes of God, the creator.

3.  We believe that animals are a perfect
reflection of God's all inclusive Love.

4.  We believe that an animal possess
a soul/spirit.

5.  We believe that animals are the fruit of
the creative action of the Holy Spirit.

6.  We believe that God is the creative force
that brings all life into being.

7.  We believe in spreading the good news to all
of creation, and that animals are included in
the plan of salvation for humans.

Order of The New Compassionests
Animal Ministry International

When you become a member, you receive an attractive
certificate stating your membership of the
Order of The New Compassionests Animal Ministry.

Membership is $20.00 per year.
If for any reason you are not able to make a donation, but
are interested in being a Member, you can do so by personal request.
We do not wish to exclude anyone who feels a calling to this ministry.

When you apply as a member, please let us know what
your area of interest would be in animal ministry.

By becoming a member, you can help make a difference.

"Alone, we can accomplish little. 
Together, we can make the world a
better place for all beings."

You can download the
Associate Member Application Form
by clicking on the link below.

Associate Member Application Form

The Application Form is in a .pdf  file format
you will need to have
Adobe Acrobat Reader
to open the file.
If you do not have Adobe Reader, you can download it for free by clicking
on the above link.

The Order of The New Compassionests

If you think you may be interested or know of someone that
may be interested in becoming a monk of the
Order of The New Compassionests,
give us a call or write.
Br. Ronald will be happy to assist you.



The New Compassionests
P.O. Box 1252
Perryville, AR. 72126


(501) 889-5355

You can give us a call during the weekday
between 9am and 4pm only

When inquiring about being a monk or member, please ask for Br. Ronald.
If you should get the answering machine, please leave your name and
number where you can be reached and that you are calling about becoming
a monk and Br. Ronald will return your call as soon as he is able.

"God calls all of  us to His service, not because
it is easy, but because it is hard."


If you are interested in being a personal or business benefactor
of the Order of The New Compassionests Animals Ministry,
you can contact us at our email address, our mailing address
or by calling and talking to an Associate Advisory Council Member.


Created and Maintained by the Order of The New Compassionests.  All rights reserved ©  2007